The following are several websites on which you can find information in English and in other languages.
It seems like there are many other sources of this sort of information on the web, so we hate to duplicate efforts, but .... let us know your thoughts! It seems there are fewer and fewer International Broadcasters available on SW, but there are still many, and many who broadcast at least part of their output in English. Don't make the rash assumption that because the BBC and Radio Netherlands stopped broadcasting to North America on SW that there is nothing to listen to! Check out what is below, and if you find the programming interesting, insightful, frustrating, annoying or whatever, drop the station a line! They need to get listener feedback to know they aren't talking to themselves! Do you part to keep SW alive. Pick a station or three this week and write them some comments on their programming and what you found useful or even what you found not so useful. How much effort does it take to send an email after all? (You have your assignment!)
This database of English Language Shortwave Broadcast schedules for the current broadcasting season is arranged by continent and by country. All of these stations' schedules are translated into UTC, which is the international standard time zone -- check out the FAQs if you don't know how to figure out what time something is on!
Most of these broadcasts are directed to a specific area of the world. You therefore may not be able to hear all of them with equal ease, and many will be totally unreceivable where you are, but the information here is believed to be correct, and you should be able to hear many of these broadcasts from nearly anywhere.
If you have information we lack, please feel free to e-mail us the information at mare DOT radio AT gmail DOT com.
Please follow the links below and enjoy!
Back in the days of Internet pre-history, MARE's schedules page was selected as a "Key Resource" by 'Links2Go' (an independent web page rating service) in the Shortwave topic, and was considered an "indispensable resource on the World Wide Web" according to their standards. They are now gone, but we were pleased they agreed!