If you've liked the facebook page you're only getting a tiny fraction of what MARE has to offer. Consider becoming a member too!
Interested in joining MARE but you want to be able to sign up 'on line' without the hassle of printing and mailing a check? We now offer a "PayPal" option. See the details below!
Our primary service area is the Great Lakes region, but we accept members from anywhere. We have had members from more than 30 states and Canada, including several members in places as far away as Texas, California and Hawaii.
While our primary mission is to provide a local forum for radio hobbyists in the Great Lakes area, do feel free to send for a sample newsbulletin if you are at all interested -- you may find a lot of use to you in MARE even if you can't attend our face-to-face meetings because of distance.
**Introduction to MARE, Inc.**
(the Michigan Area Radio Enthusiasts, Inc., a Non-Profit Corporation)
Did you know there is an honest to goodness "local club" in the Great Lakes
area for radio buffs? We publish (since 1984!) a bi-monthly bulletin, have
regular meetings of the members (held in Southern Michigan), and we also publish
(since January 1994!) a frequent* e-mail "TipSheet" (ISSN 1075-2471) for members
only. *(Weekly in the winter, sometimes less during other seasons.)
Radio hobbyists are usually a solitary bunch, but if you haven't met others
who don't look strangely when you say "Radio Havana Cuba had a neat Jazz show
last night", "the local cops have just gone to a Motorola Trunked System" or
"60 metres was REALLY hot yesterday", you really don't know what you
are missing. Just putting a face to the names you see on USENET or in the
club bulletins is a treat in and of itself, and you will find that Michigan
has a group of very active DXers and SWLs unlike any other similarly populated
area in North America. [Southern Californian DXers may be more numerous, but
we have it all over them in the "heart" department! ;)]
Some more info on us:
The bulletin, The Great Lakes Monitor, (ISSN 1054-1071) has published every
other month for over 30 years, and is provided as a part of the membership dues.
A sample is available for US$2.00 from the address below.
Some of the columns in The Great Lakes Monitor include:
*HQ edited by Harold Frodge, publisher and MW DXer extraordinaire. This
area highlights the coming events of the club -- such as meetings and
DXpeditions, as well as other "local" (ie within the Great Lakes area)
radio events, and has a section of "MARE Bits" -- little items of note
that don't quite fit elsewhere.
*Q&A edited by Ken Zichi, SWL & SW/MW/TV DXer who's been around as long as
dirt (or so it seems). This column is an "open forum" for members' tech-
nical (and non-technical!) questions and to help us all learn more
about radio hobbies.
*Shortwave Space — a place to find the latest SWBC Station schedules.
*PSB Channels edited by Ira Paul. This column provides info, loggings and
tips for stations broadcasting above 30 Megs.
*Medium-Wave & FM/TV edited by Neil Wolfish, MW DXer of some infamy.
Loggings and station news for domestic stations in the Great Lakes area.
*Echoes edited by Brian Rogers, providing a 'look back' at some of the
interesting people, programmes and non-technical info of when radio
was THE mass media.
MARE also organizes regular "face to face" meetings, roughly every other
month from September to June. We usually have one or two picnics, a couple of
informal meetings, a couple of "formal" meetings (with a topic and/or guest
speaker) and we hold at least one (and often more) "DXpedition" per year. We
also occasionally have a special event such as a station tour. [In the past
we've toured WJR's studios in Detroit, the VoA Bethany Ohio transmitter site,
and the WION (Ionia's AM Stereo 1430) and WKBD (Channel 50) studios and
If you would like to learn more about Michigan Area Radio Enthusiasts,
Inc., (a Michigan non-profit Corporation) founded in 1984, write to:
MARE, Inc.
PO Box 72
Owosso, MI 48867-0072
United States of America
Annual membership dues are US$10.00 in the USA and Canada (more from outside
North America -- but our emphasis is on members in the Great Lakes area). A
sample newsbulletin is available for the asking. If you are at all interested --
check us out. For less than the price of a pizza, you can get a whole
year's worth of information to make your hobby time more enjoyable!
If you'd like, we accept US$20.00 for DOUBLE THE FUN, with a two year
membership -- and you'll only have to send a check half as often!
If you'd like to receive a couple of the E-mail tip sheets to see what
kind of information we put out, drop us a note at mare.radio@gmail.com
and we'll see that you get the next couple of issues.
73! Michigan Area Radio Enthusiasts, Inc.
E-mail to:
If you'd like to JOIN MARE, fill out the attached PDF (< member application ) and
email the filled out form to mare.radio@gmail.com and ask for info on how to submit your PayPal payment.
print it out and mail it to us in Owosso with a personal check or money order.
We'd love to see YOUR name in the membership list soon!