--Hardware and 'software' for radio nuts
We're in the process of updating this LONG neglected 'deep link' .... be patient as all the links
probably don't yet work and there is new info coming!
Like computers there are two main areas a radio hobbyist must understand
to master the hobby: hardware and 'software'.
Hardware consists of things like
radios and antennae, of course, but it isn't really that simple. Some
equipment is best built by the hobbyist, other things are easier to find
commercially, and some can go either way. We've incorporated some 'DIY'
links for those so inclined as well as support links to equipment sellers
and manufacturers.
As unclear as hardware can be, the 'software' side of radio can be even more
elusive than computer software.
Yes, we're talking about understanding the science and behaviour of
radio waves and what you need to do in order to 'get hear from there'
so to speak.
If you are looking for computer software -- hit the
links from the individual hobby area sections such as
the SWL section for that kind of info.
The primary source for information about both these subjects
resides mainly in print (yes, you *do* need to go to your local library
eventually -- try it now -- you might find you like it!) but there are
starting to be useful and interesting links about both these items.
Here are a couple of our favourite links....
First on the hardware side:
- A simple T2FD antenna design by Arnie Coro (SK)
Arnie is gone now, and the web page is too, but through the magic of the Internet Archive, the information lives on.... (Click your browser 'back' button to return here!)
- A neat indoor SW antenna design by David Moison
Again, the original page has disappeared, but the information remains good so here's a link to the Internet archive. (Click your browser 'back' button to return here!)
- A resource for antenna design info and programs by Al Legary, VE3SQB
And once again, the original is long gone (Geocities!) but it moved and then that got 'removed' too so -- here's a link to the Internet archive again! (and again, Click your browser 'back' button to return here!)
- Daniel A. Grunberg's well done page has a little bit about a lot of hardware issues including lots of good things to say about antennas and grounds and links to some better net-resources on those topics.
- Werner Funkenhauser's page Not sure if this should go under hardware or software, but there are lots of good links and info for antennas, as well as Werner's signature "WHAMLOG" (info about licesned MW/FM/TV stations in North America) stuff here -- dig in and enjoy the Internet Archive of this page! and again, click your browser 'back' button to return here!
- Formerly the 'Transmitter Documentation Project' a listing -- both historical and current -- of stations using Shortwave!
- Anyone we're missing? Let us know!
Info from equipment sellers (mostly mail-order):
DISCLAIMER! Although we try to link only to reputable dealers, a listing here does not constitute an endorsement of any
company by MARE, nor does it imply MARE guarantees or endorses these retailers. Caveat emptor as they say.
- Fair Radio's page Surplus dealer neat bargains and junque!
- Universal Radio (dealer near Columbus, OH -- decent deals for a specialty shop)
- C. Crane Company(mail-order dealer -- pricey but legit)
- Anyone we're missing? Let us know!
On the 'software' side you really need to explore your local library a bit, but for now here are some interesting links:
And lastly ...
There is only one 'commercial' non-ham SW publication left and it is internet distribution only:
DISCLAIMER! listing here does not constitute an endorsement of any
product or company by MARE. Caveat emptor as they say.
- The Spectrum Monitor
- Anyone we're missing? Let us know!
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