This is a link to WRNO's Web page which includes a stream of their programming which is a few seconds behind what is on the air. The Website claims their studios are in Fort Worth TX but they still announce transmitters in New Orleans on the air.
What ever happened to the New Orleans' style jazz programming?
WRNO has been observed in December 2013, presumably good until March 2014 with pop music and brokered religion: 0200-0500 on 7506.1 - 7506.5 kHz Their nominal frequency is 7505 and they list programming starting at "noon" (presumably Central Time) so check for them from 1800 UT on -- they have been observed on as early as 0000 but their schedule is erratic at best. Their modulation on SW is somewhat marginal (at least now!). Keep an ear peeled for this one and report what you're hearing to MARE!
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