Voice of America
English schedule

(via Aoki/short-wave.info and direct)

VoA's Web page was a pioneer of taking the emphasis off broadcasting and like DW and BBC is now more an on line news source and only secondarily points you at satellite, radio and television resources. You can get their schedule information directly at THIS website.

Like many broadcasters these days, VoA is a mere shadow of its former self, so get them off the air while you can! Indeed, as of July 1, 2014 they have cut back and no longer broadcast on SW to Asia. Below is the updated schedule as of then until the end of the season.

VoA A-14    Most but not all of the 'half hour' transmission are "Special English" programming,  
   or are part of the experimental "RadioGram" digital broadcasts (marked below). 

Voice of America     for B-14 English only

time       Freq  Days     Pwr Az   Transmitter Site  /  notes                                                   
_________  _____ _______  ___ ___  __________________________________________________
0230-0300   5745 1......  250 190  USA Greenville B    -Radiogram (digital text/photos)

0300-0600   4930 1234567  100  20  BOT Selebi-Phikwe
0400-0500   4960 1234567  100  30  STP Pinheira
0300-0400   6080 1234567  250 165  CVA Santa Maria di Galeria
0400-0500   6080 1234567  100 138  STP Pinheira
0500-0700   6080 1234567  100  20  STP Pinheira
0500-0600   9760 .23456.  250 105  D   Nauen           -Nov7
0300-0500  15580 1234567  250 259  CLN Iranawila
0500-0700  15580 1234567  100 350  BOT Selebi-Phikwe

0930-1000   5910 ......7  250 190  USA Greenville B    -Radiogram (digital text/photos)

1400-1700   4930 1234567  100  20  BOT Selebi-Phikwe
1400-1500   6080 1234567  100  10  BOT Selebi-Phikwe
1500-1700   6080 1234567  100 350  BOT Selebi-Phikwe
1400-1500   9840 1234567  100  88  D   Biblis
1400-1500  17885 1234567  250 255  CLN Iranawila
1400-1600  15580 1234567  100  10  BOT Selebi-Phikwe
1500-1600  17895 1234567  100 100  STP Pinheira

1600-1630  17860 ......7  250  45  USA Greenville B    -Radiogram (digital text/photos)

1600-1700  15580 1234567  100 138  STP Pinheira
1600-1800  17895 1234567  250 144  CVA Santa Maria di Galeria

1700-1800   6080 1234567  100 335  STP Pinheira
1700-1800  12060 1234567  100  75  D   Biblis
1700-1800  13590 1234567  100 350  BOT Selebi-Phikwe
1700-1830  15580 1234567  100  88  STP Pinheira
1600-1800  17895 1234567  250 144  CVA Santa Maria di Galeria

1719-1740   4930 1....67  100  20  BOT Selebi-Phikwe
1719-1740  13860 1....67  100 124  STP Pinheira
1719-1740  15455 1....67  100 126  STP Pinheira

1730-1800   4930 .2345..  100  20  BOT Selebi-Phikwe
1730-1800  13860 .2345..  100 124  STP Pinheira
1730-1800  15455 .2345..  100 126  STP Pinheira

1800-1830   4930 1.....7  100  20  BOT Selebi-Phikwe
1800-1830  13860 1.....7  100 124  STP Pinheira
1800-1830  15455 1.....7  100 126  STP Pinheira

1800-2000   6080 1234567  100 335  STP Pinheira
1800-2000  13590 1234567  100 138  STP Pinheira

1810-1820  13860 .....6.  100 124  STP Pinheira
1810-1820  15455 .....6.  100 126  STP Pinheira

1830-2100   4930 1234567  100  20  BOT Selebi-Phikwe
1830-1900  13860 1234567  100 124  STP Pinheira
1830-1900  15455 1234567  100 126  STP Pinheira
1830-1930  15580 1234567  100 350  BOT Selebi-Phikwe
1930-2000  15580 1234567  100 350  BOT Selebi-Phikwe

1930-2000  15670 1......   80  45  USA Greenville B    -Radiogram (digital text/photos)

2030-2100   4940 1.....7  100  30  STP Pinheira
2030-2200   6080 1234567  100  10  BOT Selebi-Phikwe
2000-2100  15580 1234567  250 184  CVA Santa Maria di Galeria
2100-2200  15580 1234567  250  94  USA Greenville B

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