While the VoA is a mere shadow of its former self, this transmission of theirs is one of the most interesting and promising experiments we've seen in a long while from any SW Broadcaster! Why not download one of the freeware or shareware digital mode decoding software programs out there (FLDigi is one that is both free and cross-platform with flavors available for Windows, Unix and MacOS) hook your radio speaker to your computer audio input and see what there is to see on Shortwave these days!
(An example of a photo broadcast by the VoA as received in Michigan on 11/Oct/2014 at 0930 on 5910 kHz)
VoA Radiogram A-2015 Transmissions are mostly in English, but there are occasional stories broadcast in Spanish, Russian and other languages as the content fits. ***Updated as of 2/May/2015*** These transmissions are sent in various experimental digital modes, but mostly MFSK ... fire up the computer and software such as FLDigi and have a go at one of the most innovative broadcasts on the air! Time days freq pwr beam transmitter site 0230 0300 1...... 5745 250 kW 190 USA Greenville B 0930 1000 ......7 5745 250 kW 190 USA Greenville B 1930 2000 1...... 15670 80 kW 45 USA Greenville B 1600 1630 ......7 17870 250 kW 45 USA Greenville B
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