Trans World Radio has two or perhaps three active 'sites' to spread their version of the Gospel. The schedules for all are below. They are dwindling!
Their web presence in general would cause one to think they don't use radio, but since I last looked about 6 months ago, they have actually posted a link to a PDF of their schedule which - GASP - actually mentions they broadcast on radio and lists times and frequencies!
They must have listened to criticism about that! Despite this, they have cut English to Europe, and Swaziland is cutting back transmissions as well, so get them while you can!
They appear to be like the many other broadcasters who turn off transmitters and then announce 'see nobody listens to radio any more'. Well of COURSE if you turn off your transmitter people won't listen! Wow .....
Transmission Schedule for A-2015 good until October 2015: Rumour has it that TWR Europe no longer uses SW in English, but this is still listed from Naüen from last season on Aoki so ... Time days Freq pwr bm site 0255 0325 1...... 3200 50 3 TWR Africa SWZ Manzini 0500 0800 1234567 4775 50 233 TWR Africa SWZ Manzini 0500 0800 1234567 9500 100 13 TWR Africa SWZ Manzini 0501 0800 1234567 6120 50 233 TWR Africa SWZ Manzini 0800 0820 1234567 6105 100 285 TWR Europe D Nauen b14 1000 1019 .234567 11840 100 165 KTWR GUAM GUM Agana13 1030 1100 .2..... 11965 100 263 KTWR GUAM GUM Agana13 1030 1110 ..3456. 11965 100 263 KTWR GUAM GUM Agana13 1425 1455 1234567 4760 100 3 TWR Africa SWZ Manzini 1500 1516 ......7 15110 100 293 KTWR GUAM GUM Agana13 1500 1518 .23456. 15110 100 293 KTWR GUAM GUM Agana13 1500 1530 1...... 15110 100 293 KTWR GUAM GUM Agana13 1525 1555 1.....7 4760 100 3 TWR Africa SWZ Manzini 1745 2046 1234567 3200 50 9 TWR Africa SWZ Manzini b14 1802 1832 1234567 9500 100 13 TWR Africa SWZ Manzini 1832 1847 ..345.. 9500 100 13 TWR Africa SWZ Manzini 1832 1902 .....67 9500 100 13 TWR Africa SWZ Manzini
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