Radio Thailand is not an easy catch in Michigan, but they do make it here regularly, particularly in our winter Mornings. If the sunspots continue to cooperate, the first half of their 0000-0100 broadcast to North America manages to make it here year 'round too. (there is a beam change after that slewing westward, and they get much weaker!)
Give them a listen, and as always, don't forget to drop RT a line and let them know their continued use of SW is appreciated!
Their main web page is here.
HSK9 English service for B-13 0000-0100 13745 North America 0200-0230 13745 North America 0530-0600 12015 Europe/Africa 1230-1300 9390 Asia/Pacific 1400-1430 9390 Asia/Pacific 1900-2000 9965 Europe 2030-2045 9535 Europe Radio Thailand, World Service (HSK9) Public Relations Department, Royal Thai Government 236 Vibhavadi Rangsit Road, Din Daeng, Bangkok 10400 THAILAND
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