With all that is in the news from this area of the globe it can be fun to hear it 'direct from the horse's mouth' just don't expect radio with western production values! (And don't expect a web page or email either!)
A-15 Transmission Schedule of the Voice of Korea, Pyongyang, DPR Korea in English valid from Sun, 29 March 2015 - 24 October 2015 last modified: 24 March 2015 UTC Freq Beam Freq Beam Freq Beam Target 0400 7220 ND 9445 ND 9730 ND NEAs 0400 11735 28° 13760 28° 15180 28° CAm, SAm 0500 13650 238° 15100 238° SEAs 0600 7220 ND 9445 ND 9730 ND NEAs 1000 11710 28° 15180 28° CAm, SAm 1000 11735 238° 13650 238° SEAs 1300 9435 28° 11710 28° NAm 1300 13760 325° 15245 325° WEu 1500 9435 28° 11710 28° NAm 1500 13760 325° 15245 325° WEu 1600 9890 296° 11645 296° ME, NAf 1800 13760 325° 15245 325° WEu 1900 7210 271° 11910 271° SAf 1900 9875 296° 11635 296° ME, NAf 2100 13760 325° 15245 325° WEu Subject to change at short notice. Programmes last 47 to 57 minutes. Data based on announcements, schedules of the Voice of Korea and own monitoring. http://www.vok.rep.kp Compiled by Arnulf Piontek, Berlin, Germany
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